Manukau Institute of Technology

Manukau Institute of Technology have used Wallflower for several years in their main campus.

A variety of displays are used to welcome visitors, display today’s information for students as well

as live traffic webcams and real-time bus timetabling from the Auckland transport system.

In 2014 a new business campus was opened.  This centre is built over the Manukau Train Station and functions as a transport hub.

The campus is built as a series of rooms around a central atrium rising to the full height of the building.

This offered an opportunity to extend the Wallflower network by adding over 30 additional displays.  These are located on each floor alongside lifts, within training rooms and in libraries and offices.

New functionality developed by Wallflower ADSL now displays course information in real-time to assist students in locating where courses are being held.

MIT Business Campus This shows lift side displays on two of the floors

MIT Student Information MIT Learning Centre MIT Transportation Advisory MIT Welcome Display

MIT Course InformationMIT Transport Information





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  • 300 Richmond Road,
    Ponsonby, Auckland,
    New Zealand
  • + 64 21 741 862